Sluts and Guts B-Movie reviews and horror news Sun, 06 Jan 2019 10:37:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sluts and Guts 32 32 Troma Tuesday – Hectic Knife Movie Review Fri, 16 Feb 2018 01:49:48 +0000 “Look at me. I’m a big fucking idiot!”, my wife sarcastically mocks me, as I make this morning’s coffee. She wasn’t being mean; she was quoting our favorite line from Troma’s Hectic Knife. If you don’t already know, I enjoy many of the classic Troma films. It’s rare that one of their new films piques myCONTINUE READING

Troma Tuesday – Hectic Knife Movie Review appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

“Look at me. I’m a big fucking idiot!”, my wife sarcastically mocks me, as I make this morning’s coffee.

She wasn’t being mean; she was quoting our favorite line from Troma’s Hectic Knife.

If you don’t already know, I enjoy many of the classic Troma films. It’s rare that one of their new films piques my interest enough to dedicate an hour or more of my life to watching it. Hectic Knife was no different. But then…

It wasn’t until after I spoke to Greg DeLiso, the director, through the official Hectic Knife Twitter account that I genuinely wanted to watch it. DeLiso seemed very genuine and proud of his work; he was happy to have another viewer.

I love when films, good or bad, are created with heart and dedication. DeLiso had my attention and I figured I’d give it a fair shot.

After all, Greg DeLiso (director, co-writer) and Peter Litvin (star, co-writer) worked on Hectic Knife from 2010-2016 creating this bastardization of film. Someone needs to watch it.


Just how good of a Troma film could 2 inexperienced filmmakers, 6 years of their lives wasted, and $15,000-20,0000 make?


Let’s get this out of the way…


Within the first minute or two, both my wife and I were laughing out loud; seriously LOL-ing at the terrible delivery of the terrible dialog. It was hilarious because it was meta, self-aware, and didn’t give a fuck.

I wasn’t sucked into the characters or plot as much as the idea of “how far and how silly will they go?”


Hectic Knife tells the story of a lovable loser, albeit hero of the streets of New York City, named Hectic Knife (Peter Litvin).

Yes. The character’s name is “Hectic Knife”. It’s really his name. They sort of explain it, but not really. Just shitty parenting, I guess.

Back to the plot…

Hectic spends all of his time saving citizens from baddies. His method of justice?

Stabbing the shit out of the criminals with his two knives.

As Hectic goes through his daily routine of slaughtering bad guys and saving hookers, he begins to question why he does what he does. 

Not unlike in the movies Superman 2 and Spider-man 3, Hectic deals with the struggles superheroes often go through. 

(Yeah. I compared Hectic to Superman and Spider-man. Wanna fight about it?)

What’s his purpose? Is it all worth it?

Hectic Knife deals with his existential crisis for all of 45 seconds or so. His best friend Harry simply reminds him that it’s worth it and life is normal again.. 

I’m not joking when I say he questions the purpose of his life and resolves it in under a minute. Seriously, under a minute.

After disposing of some criminals who like drugs (they let you know they like drugs), Hectic Knife discovers the business card of “Piggly Doctor, Professional Baddy”.

We now have our antagonist.

Pretty straight forward, isn’t it?

“I’m Piggly Doctor. I’m the villain.” That’s real dialog in this turd of a film.

Hectic Knife now has to find and eliminate the big baddy, while dealing with a new girlfriend and roommate, friends being murdered, and having flashbacks to his training in India, 25 years ago.

Wait a minute!

How old is Hectic?

He trained in India 25 years ago and He fought alongside Harry in ‘Nam.

He doesn’t look that old. Maybe thirty.

So, if Hectic is 30-ish, did he fight in ‘Nam as a baby?

When they flashback to his training, he looks the same age. What the…?

I can only suspend by disbelief for so long, guys.

Where was I? Oh…

Will Hectic find Piggly Doctor?

And battle him to the death?

Is the suspense killing you?


Yes and yes. Hectic finds Piggly Doctor. He then kills him.

Meh. It’s a hero movie. What else could happen?


Hectic Knife has a lot to like.

When working with such a small budget, filmmakers can’t always follow the rule of “show, don’t tell”. DeLiso and Litvin got around this by making Hectic Knife very, self-aware and full of characters that simply spew exposition at the audience. The characters deliver their exposition in a dry, straight forward manner, subverting typical screenwriting.

When I say “spew exposition”, I really mean it. They quite literally tell you their backstories, actions, and intentions in the film.

“I’m killing you. Now you’re killing me.”

“Look at this. This is your skin. Look at this. This is your tendon. Watch this. I’m pulling your tendon.”

Even more exposition was thrown in the audience’s face through simple labels. Often, handwritten labels appear on things.

Is that a candy bar? Yep. It says “CANDY BAR” on it.

Are those bills? Yes. It clearly says “BILL” on the envelope.

The characters don’t stop at direct exposition. They often break the “fourth wall”, meaning they talk to the camera/audience. They do it to the point that if there was a “fifth wall”, they would have shattered that, too.

Most lines delivered by Peter Litvin are dry, lifeless, and monotone, adding to the already bad acting throughout the movie. In a weird, meta way, it adds a charm to Hectic Knife, the character.

Come to think of it, everyone over-acted.

Litvin’s bad acting had to be intentional, as I’ve seen how charismatic he is in his music videos.

Oh, yeah. Livtin scored the entire film, too. He’s a fairly accomplished musician. Check him out on YouTube.

DeLiso and Litvin hammer some jokes into the ground. Like, seriously keep at the same joke for a ridiculous amount of time.

It’s almost vomit-inducing.

But in a good way.

Remember that time on Family Guy when Peter Griffin fell down and hurt his knee? He keeps wobbling back and forth, loudly breathing in and out. It goes on for, what seems like, forever. It eventually gets funny again.

Hectic Knife takes it a step further by beating a dead horse to the point that it soul leaves its body, they the soul, rape it, and beat it to death again.

I know some people hate that style of humor, but I dig it.

Speaking of long, drawn out drivel…



I kept reading about the damn bagel scene. I was worried that it would ruin bagels for me, but thankfully it wasn’t what I thought it’d be. I won’t ruin it, though. It’s something that you have to see on your own.

I prefer to call the “bagel scene” something like “four ninety-nine”. Watch it. You’ll understand.

Was that a Home Alone reference?

Throughout Hectic Knife, I managed to catch references to other films. Not only was there a Home Alone reference, but I also picked up on Troll 2 and some Monty Python. I can’t be sure of the MP, but I would guess the duo behind the movie have seen a few MP movies.

I don’t want to give away all the details of Hectic Knife, but it has a bit of everything.

Badass fight choreography? Check!

Stop motion animation? Check!

A song out of nowhere? Check!

Mind-blowing special effects used to regenerate limbs? Check!

Finally, one of the best parts of the movie is the end credits. The Hectic Knife characters and director Greg DeLiso appear in a wrap party. The actors are in and out of character, making references to the how bad the movie is, scenes they are in (“Remember when…?), and so on.

The close of the movie has its charm and shows that the creators have a sense of humor about what they made.

Hectic Knife leaves the audience with a good taste in their mouths.


Clearly, I enjoyed this movie. Hectic Knife isn’t without flaw, though.

There are a few times when the pacing felt really off. I can’t remember the exact scene, but somewhere in the middle of the movie, I started realizing I was watching a movie. That was short-lived and I was back to laughing, soon after.

The girlfriend introducing herself joke didn’t click for me. It’s one of those jokes that they drag out and for whatever reason, it grated on me.

My least favorite part of the film is the final, climactic battle. It was a final battle, but definitely not anything spectacular. I laughed a few times, but It just fizzled out. The movie somewhat apologizes as the credits start to roll.


You might be thinking: “Should I watch Hectic Knife? Is it worth my time?”

If you’re thinking that after reading my Hectic Knife review, then there must be something wrong with your brain… which means OF COURSE YOU SHOULD WATCH IT!

Hectic Knife is in no way a masterpiece.

Seriously, it’s bad.

Like, REALLY bad.

In the context of the budget, genre of film, and creators’ intentions, Hectic Knife is an awesome, gory, good time!

(Feel free to quote that, guys *wink* *wink*).

I would bet money that if this movie got into the right hands, it could become a cult classic.

Hectic Knife has everything that makes a good cult film:

  • Extremely quotable
  • Over-the-top schlock
  • Great physical humor
  • Heart and genuine effort from the creators

I could see screenings of this film having props and audience participation. Bagels, rubber knives, candy bars, and orange Tic-Tacs would make for some fun interaction.

Hell, costumes would probably only cost you $4.99.

Greg DeLiso claims to have never watched Troma films in the past, but I almost find it hard to believe because this is the best non-Troma Troma film I’ve seen in a long time.

Non-Troma Troma films are an actual thing. Remember Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s Cannibal! The Musical? That was one.

Do you like Troma? How about over-the-top gore? Dumb dialog? Terrible acting? So-bad-it’s-good movies?

Then Hectic Knife is for you!

With a short runtime of 75 minutes, knowing that Troma supports it, and the fact that it’s FREE TO WATCH on Amazon Prime, what do you have to lose?

Seriously. Click the damn button on your mouse or remote and watch it.

If you really want to support the Hectic Knife filmmakers, buy the Blu-ray. I’m sure that pays both them and Troma more money.

If you prefer watching your Troma movies how God intended, hit up them up on Twitter and see if they still have any of their limited edition VHS copies left.


Watch the trailer. You’ll love it. If not, you need to say to yourself, “Look at me. I’m a big fucking idiot!”

The trailer does Hectic Knife no justice. It’s much better than this.

How about some trivia? Everybody likes trivia.

Hectic Knife Trivia From IMDB of the minimal, out-of-pocket, budget Peter Litvin and Greg DeLiso wrote scripts on Wednesdays, Peter would produce the next weeks shoot and they would shoot scenes the following Monday. Peter and Greg did this for over a dozen Mondays straight.

All of the stop motion animation in the movie was created by director, Greg DeLiso in his parents’ basement. (What a loser!)

Peter Litvin composed, recorded and performed the original score for Hectic Knife himself at a recording studio in Sterling Heights, Michigan, which just happens to be the same studio used by Detroit rap group, ICP.

The entire movie was created on a whim after Peter Litvin hired Greg DeLiso to “create any short film I want.” Hectic Knife was just one of many shorts the two created back in the spring of 2010 but eventually became a feature-length production when they both fell in love with the footage they had so far.

The original rough cut was 1 hour, 54 minutes and was created in only two weeks.

Most importantly, the “Wilhelm Scream” was not used in the movie.

How about links to more Hectic Knife stuff?

Hectic Knife Official Website

Hectic Knife Twitter

Hectic Knife Facebook

Hectic Knife IMDB

Buy Hectic Knife!

** Want director Greg DeLiso’s home address and which bushes to hide in to best watch him sleep? How about some nude photos of him? Hit me up on Twitter and ask! **

Does Hectic Knife Make the Cut? (see what I did there?)
If You Like Troma, Definitely Check It Out
Hectic Knife, Greg DeLiso, and Peter Litvin surprised the hell out of me with their micro-budget film. I connected with the and Hectic Knife has true "cult classic" potential. We just need to get the right people to watch it. Rent, buy, stream, or steal it (maybe not the last one). It's worth your time!
Bullets (Knives)10
Bad Acting10
Cult Following (Potential)8.5
What I Loved!
Legit CULT CLASSIC potential
Very quotable
Very gory and bloody
Fourth wall destroying
Very meta and self-aware
Sexy ladies
Beating jokes into the ground until they become funny again
Wrap party during credits
Incredible special effects (hand scenes)
Incredible wig work
What I Didn't Like
No boobies
Ending fizzled a bit
Watch Hectic Knife!
Watch Hectic Knife Right Now!

Troma Tuesday – Hectic Knife Movie Review appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

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Troma Tuesday – Watch Tromeo and Juliet For Free Tue, 14 Nov 2017 19:49:27 +0000 “To be or not to be trashy,” that is Troma’s question. With Tromeo and Juliet, Troma’s take on the William Shakespeare classic Romeo and Juliet, they combined both class and trash, making an incredibly good film. Imagine Romeo and Juliet, but with more punk rock music, dismemberment, and lesbian sex. Tromeo and Juliet is generally considered the best filmCONTINUE READING

Troma Tuesday – Watch Tromeo and Juliet For Free appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

“To be or not to be trashy,” that is Troma’s question. With Tromeo and Juliet, Troma’s take on the William Shakespeare classic Romeo and Juliet, they combined both class and trash, making an incredibly good film. Imagine Romeo and Juliet, but with more punk rock music, dismemberment, and lesbian sex.

Tromeo and Juliet is generally considered the best film in the entire Troma catalog. While it doesn’t have the diehard fanbase that The Toxic Avenger has, the overall quality of Tromeo makes it unsurpassed in Tromaville. The acting is legitimately good and production quality is nothing to laugh at.

Filmed on a budget of just $350,000 in the summer of 1995, Tromeo and Juliet went on to be one of the best reviewed Troma films. Even though Tromeo is one of Troma’s most inexpensive films, it was of such great quality that Lloyd Kaufman was invited to screen it at the Cannes Film Festival (Beware Children At Play! trailer caused people to walk out).

Watch Other Troma Films

Lloyd Kaufman managed to get a respectable cast for Tromeo and Juliet. The cast consisted of many notable actors and actresses such as b-movie queens Debbie Rochon and Tiffany Shepis, Sean Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy), and is narrated by rock god Lemmy Kilmeister (Motorhead). To top things off, Kaufman paid James Gunn of Guardians of the Galaxy fame $150 to write a screenplay of Tromeo with him.

Tromeo and Juliet has the best soundtrack of any Troma film. Many of the musicians featured on the soundtrack worked for free or just pennies, out of their love for Troma movies. The soundtrack features major bands like Motorhead (known for “Ace of Spades”) and Sublime (known for “What I Got”, “Santeria”, and “Wrong Way”), as well as smaller bands like Ass Ponys, Supernova, and Superchunk.

Tromeo & Juliet On Blu-ray Piercing. Kinky Sex. Dismemberment. The Things That Made Shakespeare Great!

The first film written by James Gunn, who went on to write 2004’s Dawn of the Dead and write/direct Slither, Tromeo & Juliet moves Shakespeare’s classic tale of star-crossed love from 16th Century Verona to a crumbling modern-day New York, where young Tromeo (Will Keenan) and Juliet (Jane Jenson) must defy their families endless feud in order to be together for eternity.

Featuring all the body piercing, kinky sex, car crashes and dismemberment that Shakespeare always wanted but never had, Tromeo & Juilet is the most subversive and original literary adaptation ever put on-screen!

“A fun mix of Shakespeare, lesbian sex, lacerations and Motörhead… It’ll give you more info on making an independent movie than a year of film school…”- Jordan Harper, Riverfront Times Support Indie Filmmakers – Buy From Troma

Watch Tromeo and Juliet For Free!

If there’s only one Troma film to ever watch, it’s definitely Tromeo and Juliet, as it’s as close to mainstream as they’ll ever get.

Or watch Tromeo and Juliet for free on YouTube

Tromeo and Juliet Trivia

The film is more or less a faithful adaptation of the play except with the addition of extreme amounts of Troma-esque sexuality and violence, as well as a revised ending. The film’s title is a portmanteau of “Troma” and “Romeo and Juliet”.

Lloyd Kaufman, Merle Allin and Ami James have non-speaking cameos in the film. A scene featuring Ron Jeremy as a homeless man was filmed but ultimately deleted from the final cut of the movie. first draft of Tromeo and Juliet surfaced in 1992, written by Kaufman and Troma employees Andy Deemer and Phil Rivo, written entirely in Shakespearean verse and supposedly featuring The Toxic Avenger as a side character. The feedback from other Troma employees and Michael Herz was unanimously negative, so the idea was scrapped.

Tromeo and Juliet was shot in the summer of 1995 for $350,000, one of the least expensive films in Troma history.

In addition, Tromeo was selected to play at the Cannes Film Festival, the Fantasporto festival, the Mar del Plata Film Festival and the Italian Fantafestival, where it won the award for Best Film of 1997.

In return for their song “Mr. Superlove”, The Ass Ponys’ lead singer requested only a check from the company for $9.95, for the purpose of framing it on his wall. See more… many claims, the film is not entirely in iambic pentameter. The scene where London Arbuckle dives through the window caused a stuntman to nearly die. For many years after the film was released movie goers thought that all the tattoos and piercings on Debbie Rochon were real.

James Gunn was paid $150 for the screenplay.

The footage of the car flipping over is recycled for many Troma films including Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D. (1990), Terror Firmer (1999), and Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger IV (2000).

Debbie Rochon plays Jane Jensen’s nurse/nanny, despite being a year younger than her in real life.

Posters for various other Troma films are visible throughout both households. Tromeo and Juliet Trivia – IMDb

Tromeo and Juliet is available at Amazon. The Tromeo and Juliet soundtrack is available, as well.

As always, a special thanks goes to Troma and Lloyd Kaufman for making these awesome independent movies available to watch for free!

** Yes, this IS the Troma film that features the infamous giant penis monster. **

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Troma Tuesday – Killer Nerd Tue, 07 Nov 2017 18:03:05 +0000 Killer Nerd is a 1991 horror-comedy film released by Troma Entertainment. The film stars Tony Radloff as a nerd that has taken too much harassment and goes nuts, killing those who wronged him. While Killer Nerd wasn’t initially received well, it became a cult classic and even spawned a sequel, Bride of Killer Nerd. Tony RadloffCONTINUE READING

Troma Tuesday – Killer Nerd appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

Killer Nerd is a 1991 horror-comedy film released by Troma Entertainment. The film stars Tony Radloff as a nerd that has taken too much harassment and goes nuts, killing those who wronged him.

While Killer Nerd wasn’t initially received well, it became a cult classic and even spawned a sequel, Bride of Killer Nerd. Tony Radloff went on to write American Splendor, which was made into an award-winning film.

Killer Nerd Plot Summary Kunkle, a nerd, is harassed by punks and is the object of ridicule at work. Enamored of a co-worker, he buys a tape series on how to be cool, summons up his nerve, and goes to the co-worker’s house, only to find her in the clutches of another co-worker. Kunkle goes out on the town but the same punks that harassed him earlier trash him again, but this time something inside him snaps. Read more…

Watch Killer Nerd For Free!

I definitely can’t say that Troma’s Killer Nerd is a good movie, but it’s a fun, weird watch. You can see a preview here.


Killer Nerd Trivia

  • The bulk of the cast were theatre students from Kent State University.
  • Toby Radloff kept the blow up doll.
  • Wayne Alan Harold was being treated for cancer when he made this film.
  • Toby Radloff wore a lot of his own clothes.
  • Toby Radloff was on a diet when he acted in this movie.
  • The film was produced with $12,000 and was frequently rented in major film rental stores.
  • A sequel titled Bride of Killer Nerd was released.
  • It was filmed in Ravenna, Ohio, with a prosumer grade camcorder.
  • A review in VideoHound’s Cult Flicks & Trash Pics said that, along with Killer Nerd, the film “deserves your neglect”. and Wikipedia

Support Troma Entertainment

As a huge, lifelong fan, I highly recommend buying Killer Nerd from Troma’s website, Each time we buy their movies, we’re helping independent filmmakers and increase the chances of getting new movies from them. MTV personality Toby Radloff charmed critics and audiences alike in the Academy Award®-nominated American Splendor, and now you can see where he got his cinematic start!

Toby plays Harold Kunkle. King of the nerds. Pushed beyond his meek limits, Harold now seeks bloody retribution throughout these two hilarious and horrifying shockers.

As witty as Revenge of the Nerds! As violent as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre! Killer Nerd has a wide appeal among fans of horror, comedy and cult cinema. And that goes double for Bride of Killer Nerd!

Killer Nerd/Bride of Killer Nerd Special Features:

  • No Regional Coding!
  • Special epic seven minute Nerd-a-rific introduction by Lloyd Kaufman, Chief Nerd of Troma Entertainment and creator of The Toxic Nerd
  • Feature length commentary ON BOTH FEATURES by Toby Radloff and series writer/producer/director Wayne Alan Harold
  • Toby and Lloyd nerding around Akron, Ohio
  • Music video: “Kick in the Head,” directed by Lloyd Kaufman
  • Tromatic trailers and other nerdy goodies!

Buy from

Other Free Troma Movies

As always, thanks to Troma Entertainment and Lloyd Kaufman for making these awesome independent movies available to watch for free!

Killer Nerd is available at Amazon and free for Amazon Prime members.

Troma Tuesday – Killer Nerd appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

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Troma Tuesday – Beware! Children at Play Tue, 31 Oct 2017 17:00:26 +0000 Troma Entertainment released Beware! Children at Play in 1989, not as an official Troma film, but as part of their film rights catalog. The movie is about cannibal children. Yes, evil, demented, cannibal CHILDREN! To call Beware! Children at Play controversial is an understatement. Lloyd Kaufman stated that when the trailer (JUST THE TRAILER) ran before the CannesCONTINUE READING

Troma Tuesday – Beware! Children at Play appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

Troma Entertainment released Beware! Children at Play in 1989, not as an official Troma film, but as part of their film rights catalog. The movie is about cannibal children.

Yes, evil, demented, cannibal CHILDREN!

To call Beware! Children at Play controversial is an understatement. Lloyd Kaufman stated that when the trailer (JUST THE TRAILER) ran before the Cannes Film Festival screening of Tromeo and Juliet, about half of the audience walked out in protest.

What could cause that many people at Cannes Film Festival to walk out? Aren’t they used to avant-garde films?

Here’s a quick plot summary of Beware! Children at Play.

What’s Beware! Children At Play About? used to be about jumping rope and playing hopscotch. But in one little backwoods towns, it’s now about slitting throats and eating flesh! While visiting Tromaville, the DeWolfe family discovers a terrible secret. God-fearing parents are in a panic as their children mysteriously disappear. Little do they know that the only thing worse than their children disappearing would be them coming back! Lured into a cannibalistic cult, doe-eyed innocents are transformed into mindless killing machines. Parents and children face off in the most stomach churning finale of mutilated flesh to bloody the screen!
Buy from Troma! Support independent filmmakers

Again, what could have caused the walkout by so many people?

It’s probably the five-minute scene of children getting massacred.

That’s just my guess.

Watch Beware! Children at Play For Free!

Warning: Beware! Children at Play isn’t for everyone. It’s pretty extreme at times, even for a Troma released film.

Want More Troma Movies For Free?

Beware! Children at Play Reviews

Normally, I would add some trivia about the movie, but there’s not a lot out there. Beware! Children at Play isn’t that well liked, but it’s a “completion piece” for Troma fans.

Instead, I’ll share some reviews about it.

Want to lighten things up a bit?

Beware: Children At Play (1989) – That Was A Bit Mental results in a f**king INSANE final five minutes in which numerous children aged five to fourteen are slaughtered in increasingly brutal ways. One gets a pitchfork in the throat and is pinned against a wall, another is stabbed in the back by her mum, while yet another is shot at point blank range with a shotgun and their head explodes. I could only watch in stunned silence, awe and admiration at the sheer balls displayed by the filmmakers as I watched slaughter after slaughter. In the most memorable shot, a villager puts a pistol in an eight-year-old’s mouth and blows his brains against the wall behind him. I’m not even joking. In total, eighteen children are killed in around two minutes. You can see most of these scenes in the trailer below, incidentally.

Most of this is all done cheaply enough that it clearly looks fake, but the fact they’d even have the gall to try filming a whole village of children being brutally murdered in gory detail and not even try to pretend they’re zombies or anything is the sort of controversial decision that stirs a feeling of respect in me for some reason. I could understand that in some people’s eyes these filmmakers are morally bankrupt and the lowest of the low, but to me this is the perfect example of someone taking a genre clearly built around fantasy and pushing it to the limit to show people something they’ve never seen before. Source:

Beware! Children at Play is available at Amazon and is currently streaming free to Amazon Prime members, if you dare!

As always, thanks to Troma Entertainment and Lloyd Kaufman for making these awesome independent movies available to watch for free!

Troma Tuesday – Beware! Children at Play appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

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Troma Tuesday – Cannibal! The Musical Tue, 24 Oct 2017 17:00:03 +0000 Cannibal! The Musical is not technically a Troma Entertainment film, but without Troma, it never would have seen the light of day. Genius Lloyd Kaufman made a great decision and we all have him to thank for it. South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker released Cannibal! The Musical in 1993 under the originalCONTINUE READING

Troma Tuesday – Cannibal! The Musical appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

Cannibal! The Musical is not technically a Troma Entertainment film, but without Troma, it never would have seen the light of day. Genius Lloyd Kaufman made a great decision and we all have him to thank for it.

South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker released Cannibal! The Musical in 1993 under the original title of Alferd Packer: The Musical. The original release was very small and few people got to see the movie. In 1996, Troma Entertainment picked it up for their catalog and re-released it to a slightly wider audience under the better known title Cannibal! The Musical. As this predated South Park, it drew very little attention.

Things were about to change!

In 1997, South Park debuted and was an instant hit. It was then that people started looking for Matt Stone and Trey Parker’s prior films. Cannibal! The Musical was finally in demand and Troma Entertainment re-released it on both VHS and DVD. The film soon grew a cult following and branched off into a stage show.

The true highlight of Cannibal! The Musical is in the DVD extras. Matt, Trey, and many cast members got together to record something called “Drunken Director’s Commentary”, in which everyone got drunk and watched the movie. There are many laugh-out-loud moments throughout the commentary and most people enjoy watching the movie more, when it’s turned on.

Watch Cannibal! The Musical For Free!

Troma Entertainment has made Cannibal! The Musical available for free. If you enjoy South Park and want to see where Matt Stone and Trey Parker started out, this movie is a must see.

Or watch Cannibal! the Musical for free on YouTube

Cannibal! The Musical

Cannibal! The Musical – Wikipedia

Contrasting with the musical’s generally dark and morbid humor are its cheerful songs, all composed by Parker, including “Let’s Build a Snowman”, “Ode to Liane”, “Hang the Bastard”, and “Shpadoinkle” (pronounced shpah-doink-ul). The last of these is a transparent parody of the song “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning” from the Rodgers & Hammerstein musical Oklahoma!.

Two songs that were originally going to be in the film, but later taken out, were “Shatterproof” and “Don’t Be Stupid”. An interview with Ian Keldin said that Trey thought “Shatterproof” (a planned rap song) made Packer seem too tough.

The film began as a 3-minute trailer made for a film class. After the trailer drew much attention, Parker and Stone raised around $125,000 and began shooting the full-length film. The film was shot during weekends and on spring break in 1993, and according to Ian Hardin, most of the crew failed their film history class as a result.[3] Early in shooting, Parker was thrown from one of the horses playing “Liane”, fracturing his hip.

Several live productions of the show have been mounted, with excerpts from one live version available on the DVD.

In 2001, Saturday Players launched a six-month off-off-Broadway run of the show that earned critical acclaim and returning audience members.
Read more…

Want More Troma?

Can’t get enough Troma? Check out these other free, full-length Troma Movies!

“Cannibal! The Musical” is available at Amazon.

As always, thanks to Troma and Lloyd Kaufman for making these awesome independent movies available to watch for free!

Troma Tuesday – Cannibal! The Musical appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

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Troma Tuesday – Class of Nuke ‘Em High Tue, 17 Oct 2017 18:00:00 +0000 Class of Nuke ‘Em High holds a special place in my heart. I originally saw it while at a sleepover at a friend’s house. Nuke ‘Em was featured on “Up All Night”, with Rhonda Shear. I was drawn in by the Rhonda boobies, but stayed for the weird, twisted plot. The Class of Nuke ‘EmCONTINUE READING

Troma Tuesday – Class of Nuke ‘Em High appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

Class of Nuke ‘Em High holds a special place in my heart. I originally saw it while at a sleepover at a friend’s house. Nuke ‘Em was featured on “Up All Night”, with Rhonda Shear. I was drawn in by the Rhonda boobies, but stayed for the weird, twisted plot.

The Class of Nuke ‘Em High series will probably always be my favorite of the Troma movies. The original Nuke ‘Em High was my first taste of Troma and, quite possibly, schlock.

When I saw that Lloyd Kaufman and Troma made the original Class of Nuke ‘Em High available to watch for free, I was very excited. I watched it online and then decided I needed to share it, with hopes to expand Troma to a new generation of fans.

Class of Nuke ‘Em High Plot to Tromaville High, where the students are getting brighter… literally! When the local nuclear power plant springs a leak, everybody radiates a new personality. The honor society has mutated into The Cretins motorcycle gang, and a humongous monster fetus is growning in the fallout shelter. In true Tromatic fashion, Class of Nuke ‘Em High will leave you screaming for more of the classic terror and humor you’ve come to expect… from Troma, of course!
Support Troma

Watch Class of Nuke ‘Em High For Free!

Put on your best 1980’s punk outfit and get ready to watch Class of Nuke ‘Em High!

Class of Nuke ‘Em High Trivia

With low budget films like Troma made/makes, there’s typically some great behind the scenes stories. Most of these stories come in the form of interviews. When I write my full review of Class of Nuke ‘Em High, I’ll definitely dig deep to find some tasty trivia.

Class of Nuke ‘Em High – Trivia (IMDB) Chrissy goes to the hospital, you can hear over the loudspeaker “Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard”. These are the names Moe, Larry, and Curly take in certain episodes of the Three Stooges.

During the PA announcements at the start of the movie, Warren can be seen dressed in a football jersey talking to a girl, and also in his regular class right before Dewey’s freak-out. The scene with Warren in the football jersey is also recycled at the end of the film as well.

The original title for the film was simply ‘Nuke ‘Em High’. It was later changed in hopes of people mistaking it for Class of 1984 (1982).

More Trivia…

Rhonda Shear – Class of Nuke ‘Em High

“Class of Nuke ‘Em High” is available at Amazon. Troma has also issued a Class of Nuke ‘Em High boxset!

As always, thanks to Troma and Lloyd Kaufman for making these awesome independent movies available to watch for free!

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Incoherent Ramblings – The Ice Cream Man Mon, 16 Oct 2017 18:49:41 +0000 I was out walking my sweet puppy dogs ravenous hellhounds yesterday, when I heard a familiar sound. It kept getting louder and louder. It clicked what it was… THE ICE CREAM MAN! As a kid, that jingle coming down the street meant that *maybe* I could get a sweet treat in the middle of the hotCONTINUE READING

Incoherent Ramblings – The Ice Cream Man appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

I was out walking my sweet puppy dogs ravenous hellhounds yesterday, when I heard a familiar sound. It kept getting louder and louder. It clicked what it was…


As a kid, that jingle coming down the street meant that *maybe* I could get a sweet treat in the middle of the hot summer. As an adult, that jingle has a completely different meaning.

“The Ice Cream Man?!?! I’m not going to spend $8 for a damn popsicle!” 

Who am I kidding? Those Bomb Pops are, well, the bomb diggity.

My second thought upon seeing the Ice Cream Man was, “Man, that sh*t’s creepy. I wonder if he’s a serial killer. That’s what I’d do, if I had an ice cream truck. Oh crap! Did I think that or say it out loud?!?!”

Needless to say, movies and “wisdom” have changed my thoughts on what the Ice Cream Man means to me. It’s no longer about a treat, but rather something movies have created of that legitimate occupation.

Movies like “Ice Cream Man” (Clint Howard, 1995), “The Ice Cream Truck” (2017 film, streaming on Amazon Prime), “We All Scream For Ice Cream” (Masters of Horror) popped into my head. Even the short bit from “Legion” (Paul Bettany) came before, “Ooh! Ice Cream!”.

Being an Ice Cream man is a real job, so I almost felt bad that my thoughts instantly went to those places, but then again… meh.

Let horror movies trump all!

Just for fun, here are a couple reviews of these Ice Cream Man movies, as some are fairly obscure.

Ice Cream Truck Movie Review


We All Scream For Ice Cream Movie Review


What are you thoughts on  hearing or seeing The Ice Cream Man? What does it invoke in you?

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Troma Tuesday – Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D. Tue, 10 Oct 2017 18:00:29 +0000 “Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D” is one of the most loved Troma films ever made. Directed by the legendary Lloyd Kaufman, Kabukiman ranks in the top three or four Troma films. While it’s not as popular as movies like “Toxic Avenger” or “Class of Nuke ‘Em High”, it still has a massive cult following, especial amongst TromaCONTINUE READING

Troma Tuesday – Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D. appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

“Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D” is one of the most loved Troma films ever made. Directed by the legendary Lloyd Kaufman, Kabukiman ranks in the top three or four Troma films. While it’s not as popular as movies like “Toxic Avenger” or “Class of Nuke ‘Em High”, it still has a massive cult following, especial amongst Troma fans.

Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D. N.Y.P.D. Sgt. Harry Griswold, a hot dog loving Bronx cop who suddenly transforms into a 2000 year old Kabuki super-human hero! Using a new arsenal of fatal sushi, heatseeking chopsticks and pyro projectile parasols, Sgt. Kabukiman must save New York City from the EVIL ONE.

Directed by Lloyd Kaufman and Michael Herz. Support Troma: Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D. | TROMA Direct

Watch Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D For Free!

Are you ready to feast on the awesomeness that is “Sgt. Kabukman N.Y.P.D.”? Grab a beer (or 12) and get comfortable.

“Fatal Sushi … Lethal Chopsticks .. And As American As Apple Pie!”

Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D. Trivia footage of the car crashing and flipping over has become a Troma trademark and in-joke. It was used again in Tromeo and Juliet (1996) and then as another inside joke (for those who spotted it in all three films) in Terror Firmer (1999).

The film was spun-off from the character Kabuki-Boy in The Toxic Avenger Part II (1989). Lloyd Kaufman jokingly mentioned he was making a movie about the character and Japanese investors became interested.

No one was interested in showing the film in the US until around 1996, around when Tromeo and Juliet (1996) was released. This caused confusion as to which movie borrowed the car crash.

Read more:

“Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D.” is available at Amazon.

As always, thanks to Troma and Lloyd Kaufman for making these awesome independent movies available to watch for free!

Troma Tuesday – Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D. appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

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Samurai Cop Trailer Mon, 09 Oct 2017 18:59:05 +0000 Samurai Cop is one of the Best of the Worst movies of all time, so I had to make a trailer for it. What makes Samurai Cop so awesomely bad? The acting, production quality, editing, dialog, action, the lion, and the WIG. Alone, this would just result in a terrible movie, but combine them andCONTINUE READING

Samurai Cop Trailer appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

Samurai Cop is one of the Best of the Worst movies of all time, so I had to make a trailer for it. What makes Samurai Cop so awesomely bad? The acting, production quality, editing, dialog, action, the lion, and the WIG. Alone, this would just result in a terrible movie, but combine them and you have a near-perfect good-bad movie. Robert Z’Dar (Maniac Cop) acts circles around Matt Hannon, who plays the hero. The difference in their acting skills makes it all the more laughable.

Even though I’ve seen Samurai Cop countless times, it never fails to make me laugh or say out loud, “What the…?”

Samurai Cop has to be seen at least once in your lifetime.

Samurai Cop Trailer (fan made)

Or watch on YouTube: Samurai Cop Trailer (S&G Edition)

I hope you enjoy my Samurai Cop trailer as much as I did making it.

Plot from Rotten Tomatoes: “When Japanese organized crime imbeds itself within LA, the police turn to one man to take down the deadly Yakuza — Maniac Cop himself, Robert Z’Dar as Japanese authority and martial artist Joe Marshall, aka “The Samurai.” With his fearless swagger and rock hard jaw, The Samurai tears a two-fisted hole through the mob and doesn’t stop until the job is done.”


What’s your favorite bad movie? Answer in the comments below.

— Video Sources —
Samurai Cop
Dumb & Dumber

My Samurai Cop trailer is also available Vimeo.

Samurai Cop Trailer appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

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Bob’s Burgers… The Movie? Thu, 05 Oct 2017 19:06:37 +0000 In a bit of  “WTF!?!” news, it’s being reported that FOX is going to produce a “Bob’s Burgers” movie for theatrical release. Even though I love the show, I feel like it would bomb in the theater. Does the show really have that big of a following? I know there was “The Simpsons Movie” inCONTINUE READING

Bob’s Burgers… The Movie? appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

In a bit of  “WTF!?!” news, it’s being reported that FOX is going to produce a “Bob’s Burgers” movie for theatrical release. Even though I love the show, I feel like it would bomb in the theater.

Does the show really have that big of a following?

I know there was “The Simpsons Movie” in 2007, but that was after 17+ years of it running on television.

‘Bob’s Burgers’ Movie in the Works at Fox Loren Bouchard is on board for the big-screen take from Fox Animation. A big-screen take on the hit animated show Bob’s Burgers is being served up by 20th Century Fox.  The series, which premiered in 2011, follows the Belcher family and their friends and rivals. Bob Belcher runs a hamburger restaurant in a seaside town, with his ever-optimistic wife, Linda, and their three children: the self-conscious Tina, goofball Gene and precocious Louise.

“We know the movie has to scratch every itch the fans of the show have ever had, but it also has to work for all the good people who’ve never seen the show,” Bouchard said Wednesday in a statement. “We also know it has to fill every inch of the screen with the colors and the sounds and the ever-so-slightly greasy texture of the world of Bob’s — but most of all it has to take our characters on an epic adventure. In other words, it has to be the best movie ever made. But no pressure, right?!” More: was always under the assumption that “Bob’s Burgers” was barely scraping by. It falls into that terrible time slot that “King of the Hill” was in, where it’s always getting bumped in favor of live sports.

The “Bob’s Burgers” movie is scheduled for release on July 17, 2020. Will the show even last that long?

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Blade Runner 2049 Reviews Wed, 04 Oct 2017 18:59:40 +0000 If you’ve been living under a rock, you may not have heard that Blade Runner 2049 opens in theaters this week. This is a sequel to the original Blade Runner from 1982. It stars Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, and Ana de Armas. Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Thirty years after the events of the first film, a newCONTINUE READING

Blade Runner 2049 Reviews appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

If you’ve been living under a rock, you may not have heard that Blade Runner 2049 opens in theaters this week. This is a sequel to the original Blade Runner from 1982. It stars Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, and Ana de Armas.

Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Thirty years after the events of the first film, a new blade runner, LAPD Officer K (Ryan Gosling), unearths a long-buried secret that has the potential to plunge what’s left of society into chaos. K’s discovery leads him on a quest to find Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), a former LAPD blade runner who has been missing for 30 years.

Before you read the reviews Blade Runner 2049, you should definitely watch the trailer, as it’s fantastic and beautiful.

Blade Runner 2049 Trailer

Are you drooling yet?

Is Blade Runner 2049 Good?

The initial reviews are looking incredible for Blade Runner 2049!

Here’s a roundup from the early reviews:

Critics Consensus: Visually stunning and narratively satisfying, Blade Runner 2049 deepens and expands its predecessor’s story while standing as an impressive filmmaking achievement in its own right. – 94% –

Mid-90’s on Rotten Tomatoes for a sequel is amazing!

‘Blade Runner 2049’ review: Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford
“Blade Runner 2049” boasts such an enticing assortment of elements it’s frustrating that they aren’t assembled into a movie that fully delivers on its promise. Yet despite Ryan Gosling, a striking visual template and Harrison Ford reprising the role he played in the 1982 sci-fi classic, glitches mar this undeniably ambitious but drawn-out exercise.

CNN says that Blade Runner 2049 is flawed, but goes on to give it a high rating.

Does Blade Runner 2049 top the original?
Denis Villeneuve’s shrewdly calculated sequel, Blade Runner 2049, tries hard to evade that tricky problem, with a busy, distracting surface that cloaks an enduring theme about humanity.

The action is set in a sci-fi dystopia. Instead of focusing on the technology that led to that mess – a backstory seeps in, involving famine and a catastrophic data-destroying blackout – the film takes an issue planted in the original movie and makes it the sequel’s central, resonant mystery. Do memories make us human? If not, what does?

The film makes very few actual missteps, but they exist. Jared Leto, wearing milky contacts as a blind genius and corporate tycoon who solved the food crisis, is pallid on screen, a stylised cliché.  The music, by Benjamin Wallfisch and Hans Zimmer, can be intrusive, and is especially cloying at a moment when K makes an important discovery.

BBC does a lot of comparing of it to the original Blade Runner, but gives it props for its overall quality.

Ryan Gosling Keeps the Dream of Electric Sheep Alive cynical cash-grab or by-the-numbers repeat, this is a sequel that manages to go deeper on the ideas offered by the first film. “2049” isn’t here to answer the first film’s questions about the differences between the natural and the artificial, or the membrane that separates the two concepts, or who gets to make that distinction, but it does take those questions to an even more thoughtful place. In a future dystopia where the outdoor world is always bleak — those off-world colonies remain the place to be — nature only seems glorious when presented as a simulacrum.

Here’s hoping modern audiences take to the new “Blade Runner” with more enthusiasm than they did in 1982, because this sequel proves that this world merits repeat visits.

And finally, Chris Stuckmann, the second biggest movie reviewer on YouTube gives Blade Runner 2049 his highest score, an “A+”

One thing I didn’t realize was that the original Blade Runner was out in 4k format. Stuckmann mentions that it’s the best 4k restoration of any older film. I found Blade Runner The Final Cut 4k on Amazon and even though it’s a bit pricey, I think I just might have to pick it up!

Have you seen it? What did you think?

Blade Runner 2049 Reviews appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

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Night of the Creeps – 31 Days of Horror 2017 Mon, 02 Oct 2017 02:04:37 +0000 Night of the Creeps is a fantastic horror film from director Fred Dekker. The film was written to pay homage to classic b-movies of the 1950’s. While the film bombed when released in 1986, it’s developed a cult following in the decades that followed. Dekker did a great job with Night of the Creeps, creatingCONTINUE READING

Night of the Creeps – 31 Days of Horror 2017 appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

Night of the Creeps is a fantastic horror film from director Fred Dekker. The film was written to pay homage to classic b-movies of the 1950’s. While the film bombed when released in 1986, it’s developed a cult following in the decades that followed.

Dekker did a great job with Night of the Creeps, creating a hybrid film of multiple genres. While the main focus is a zombie storyline, it also brings in slasher and “body snatcher” themes. The movie is purposely loaded with b-movie cliches, in an attempt to spoof those films. One issue that has plagued the movie is that it often feels like the movie is using those cliches, instead of spoofing them.

Night of the Creeps – Wikipedia

In 1959, on board a spacecraft, two aliens race to keep an experiment from being released by a third member of the crew. Detective Ray Cameron, a haunted cop, is called in to the cryogenics lab break-in, where he discovers one of the bodies – the boy who discovered the alien experiment in 1959 – is now missing, set free by Chris and J.C.

More: Wikipedia

Night of the Creeps often creates great suspense, followed by some hilarious scenes. Tom Atkins (Halloween 3) is great, as always, and brings quality acting into the otherwise young cast. While it’s not Fred Dekker’s best work (Monster Squad, Predator), it’s still a fun watch and I can’t recommend it enough as an escape from the typical Halloween releases.

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Night of the Creeps – 31 Days of Horror 2017 appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

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