cannibals – Sluts and Guts B-Movie reviews and horror news Thu, 04 Jan 2018 17:15:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 cannibals – Sluts and Guts 32 32 Troma Tuesday – Beware! Children at Play Tue, 31 Oct 2017 17:00:26 +0000 Troma Entertainment released Beware! Children at Play in 1989, not as an official Troma film, but as part of their film rights catalog. The movie is about cannibal children. Yes, evil, demented, cannibal CHILDREN! To call Beware! Children at Play controversial is an understatement. Lloyd Kaufman stated that when the trailer (JUST THE TRAILER) ran before the CannesCONTINUE READING

Troma Tuesday – Beware! Children at Play appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

Troma Entertainment released Beware! Children at Play in 1989, not as an official Troma film, but as part of their film rights catalog. The movie is about cannibal children.

Yes, evil, demented, cannibal CHILDREN!

To call Beware! Children at Play controversial is an understatement. Lloyd Kaufman stated that when the trailer (JUST THE TRAILER) ran before the Cannes Film Festival screening of Tromeo and Juliet, about half of the audience walked out in protest.

What could cause that many people at Cannes Film Festival to walk out? Aren’t they used to avant-garde films?

Here’s a quick plot summary of Beware! Children at Play.

What’s Beware! Children At Play About? used to be about jumping rope and playing hopscotch. But in one little backwoods towns, it’s now about slitting throats and eating flesh! While visiting Tromaville, the DeWolfe family discovers a terrible secret. God-fearing parents are in a panic as their children mysteriously disappear. Little do they know that the only thing worse than their children disappearing would be them coming back! Lured into a cannibalistic cult, doe-eyed innocents are transformed into mindless killing machines. Parents and children face off in the most stomach churning finale of mutilated flesh to bloody the screen!
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Again, what could have caused the walkout by so many people?

It’s probably the five-minute scene of children getting massacred.

That’s just my guess.

Watch Beware! Children at Play For Free!

Warning: Beware! Children at Play isn’t for everyone. It’s pretty extreme at times, even for a Troma released film.

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Beware! Children at Play Reviews

Normally, I would add some trivia about the movie, but there’s not a lot out there. Beware! Children at Play isn’t that well liked, but it’s a “completion piece” for Troma fans.

Instead, I’ll share some reviews about it.

Want to lighten things up a bit?

Beware: Children At Play (1989) – That Was A Bit Mental results in a f**king INSANE final five minutes in which numerous children aged five to fourteen are slaughtered in increasingly brutal ways. One gets a pitchfork in the throat and is pinned against a wall, another is stabbed in the back by her mum, while yet another is shot at point blank range with a shotgun and their head explodes. I could only watch in stunned silence, awe and admiration at the sheer balls displayed by the filmmakers as I watched slaughter after slaughter. In the most memorable shot, a villager puts a pistol in an eight-year-old’s mouth and blows his brains against the wall behind him. I’m not even joking. In total, eighteen children are killed in around two minutes. You can see most of these scenes in the trailer below, incidentally.

Most of this is all done cheaply enough that it clearly looks fake, but the fact they’d even have the gall to try filming a whole village of children being brutally murdered in gory detail and not even try to pretend they’re zombies or anything is the sort of controversial decision that stirs a feeling of respect in me for some reason. I could understand that in some people’s eyes these filmmakers are morally bankrupt and the lowest of the low, but to me this is the perfect example of someone taking a genre clearly built around fantasy and pushing it to the limit to show people something they’ve never seen before. Source:

Beware! Children at Play is available at Amazon and is currently streaming free to Amazon Prime members, if you dare!

As always, thanks to Troma Entertainment and Lloyd Kaufman for making these awesome independent movies available to watch for free!

Troma Tuesday – Beware! Children at Play appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

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Troma Tuesday – Cannibal! The Musical Tue, 24 Oct 2017 17:00:03 +0000 Cannibal! The Musical is not technically a Troma Entertainment film, but without Troma, it never would have seen the light of day. Genius Lloyd Kaufman made a great decision and we all have him to thank for it. South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker released Cannibal! The Musical in 1993 under the originalCONTINUE READING

Troma Tuesday – Cannibal! The Musical appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

Cannibal! The Musical is not technically a Troma Entertainment film, but without Troma, it never would have seen the light of day. Genius Lloyd Kaufman made a great decision and we all have him to thank for it.

South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker released Cannibal! The Musical in 1993 under the original title of Alferd Packer: The Musical. The original release was very small and few people got to see the movie. In 1996, Troma Entertainment picked it up for their catalog and re-released it to a slightly wider audience under the better known title Cannibal! The Musical. As this predated South Park, it drew very little attention.

Things were about to change!

In 1997, South Park debuted and was an instant hit. It was then that people started looking for Matt Stone and Trey Parker’s prior films. Cannibal! The Musical was finally in demand and Troma Entertainment re-released it on both VHS and DVD. The film soon grew a cult following and branched off into a stage show.

The true highlight of Cannibal! The Musical is in the DVD extras. Matt, Trey, and many cast members got together to record something called “Drunken Director’s Commentary”, in which everyone got drunk and watched the movie. There are many laugh-out-loud moments throughout the commentary and most people enjoy watching the movie more, when it’s turned on.

Watch Cannibal! The Musical For Free!

Troma Entertainment has made Cannibal! The Musical available for free. If you enjoy South Park and want to see where Matt Stone and Trey Parker started out, this movie is a must see.

Or watch Cannibal! the Musical for free on YouTube

Cannibal! The Musical

Cannibal! The Musical – Wikipedia

Contrasting with the musical’s generally dark and morbid humor are its cheerful songs, all composed by Parker, including “Let’s Build a Snowman”, “Ode to Liane”, “Hang the Bastard”, and “Shpadoinkle” (pronounced shpah-doink-ul). The last of these is a transparent parody of the song “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning” from the Rodgers & Hammerstein musical Oklahoma!.

Two songs that were originally going to be in the film, but later taken out, were “Shatterproof” and “Don’t Be Stupid”. An interview with Ian Keldin said that Trey thought “Shatterproof” (a planned rap song) made Packer seem too tough.

The film began as a 3-minute trailer made for a film class. After the trailer drew much attention, Parker and Stone raised around $125,000 and began shooting the full-length film. The film was shot during weekends and on spring break in 1993, and according to Ian Hardin, most of the crew failed their film history class as a result.[3] Early in shooting, Parker was thrown from one of the horses playing “Liane”, fracturing his hip.

Several live productions of the show have been mounted, with excerpts from one live version available on the DVD.

In 2001, Saturday Players launched a six-month off-off-Broadway run of the show that earned critical acclaim and returning audience members.
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Want More Troma?

Can’t get enough Troma? Check out these other free, full-length Troma Movies!

“Cannibal! The Musical” is available at Amazon.

As always, thanks to Troma and Lloyd Kaufman for making these awesome independent movies available to watch for free!

Troma Tuesday – Cannibal! The Musical appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

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