Decker Shado – Sluts and Guts B-Movie reviews and horror news Thu, 04 Jan 2018 17:25:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Decker Shado – Sluts and Guts 32 32 Incoherent Ramblings – The Ice Cream Man Mon, 16 Oct 2017 18:49:41 +0000 I was out walking my sweet puppy dogs ravenous hellhounds yesterday, when I heard a familiar sound. It kept getting louder and louder. It clicked what it was… THE ICE CREAM MAN! As a kid, that jingle coming down the street meant that *maybe* I could get a sweet treat in the middle of the hotCONTINUE READING

Incoherent Ramblings – The Ice Cream Man appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

I was out walking my sweet puppy dogs ravenous hellhounds yesterday, when I heard a familiar sound. It kept getting louder and louder. It clicked what it was…


As a kid, that jingle coming down the street meant that *maybe* I could get a sweet treat in the middle of the hot summer. As an adult, that jingle has a completely different meaning.

“The Ice Cream Man?!?! I’m not going to spend $8 for a damn popsicle!” 

Who am I kidding? Those Bomb Pops are, well, the bomb diggity.

My second thought upon seeing the Ice Cream Man was, “Man, that sh*t’s creepy. I wonder if he’s a serial killer. That’s what I’d do, if I had an ice cream truck. Oh crap! Did I think that or say it out loud?!?!”

Needless to say, movies and “wisdom” have changed my thoughts on what the Ice Cream Man means to me. It’s no longer about a treat, but rather something movies have created of that legitimate occupation.

Movies like “Ice Cream Man” (Clint Howard, 1995), “The Ice Cream Truck” (2017 film, streaming on Amazon Prime), “We All Scream For Ice Cream” (Masters of Horror) popped into my head. Even the short bit from “Legion” (Paul Bettany) came before, “Ooh! Ice Cream!”.

Being an Ice Cream man is a real job, so I almost felt bad that my thoughts instantly went to those places, but then again… meh.

Let horror movies trump all!

Just for fun, here are a couple reviews of these Ice Cream Man movies, as some are fairly obscure.

Ice Cream Truck Movie Review


We All Scream For Ice Cream Movie Review


What are you thoughts on  hearing or seeing The Ice Cream Man? What does it invoke in you?

Incoherent Ramblings – The Ice Cream Man appeared first on Sluts and Guts.

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